Here you can view all the schedules and availability of the Foxy Girls. We keep this up to date for you, so you can always see who is working when.
The girls schedules are updated early Monday morning for that week.
You can also use the sorting arrows at the top of each column. Hover over the column to see the arrows appear. These for example will sort the girls by name a-z or z-a or you can filter to a day and it will show you the earliest start times to the latest start times or vice versa if you click it again. It can help you see what your looking for a little easier.
Remember you can book online by visiting our Book Online page!
Girl | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
OFF | 10am - 8pm | 8pm - 8am | 8pm - 8am | 8pm - 8am | OFF | 12pm - 12am | |
Another | OFF | 12pm - 8pm | 12pm - 8pm | 12pm - 8pm | 8pm - 8am | 8pm - 8am | HOLIDAY |